• Blog

Count Safe Cells On Board With Hostile Bishops Using Knowledge About LLM's

Non-technical explanation of large language models operation.
2024/05/21 16:12
by freeman_lex

Could You Count Visible Discs Properly While Keeping Your Code Clean And Readable?

It's very important to write a clean code!
2024/05/14 12:15
by freeman_lex

Learn Using Powerful Lazy Evaluation And Try To Minimize Intersections Of Roads!

Believe me, you need to know this!
2024/05/07 13:20
by freeman_lex

Get To Know Calkin–Wilf Tree And Learn About Time Complexity Of Data Structures

A new week in your journey in Python world!
2024/04/29 17:26
by freeman_lex

Become An Author at CheckiO! An Algorithm Of Creating Missions

A new easier way to create missions!
2024/04/18 16:55
by freeman_lex

Determine The Trajectory Of Frogs And Make Sure Your Code Doesn't Stink

Become better and better in Python coding!
2024/04/15 16:40
by freeman_lex

Space Invaders Threaten Bishops! Join Best Language Forces And Fight!

Python is still one of the best!
2024/04/08 17:46
by freeman_lex

Convert String Into a Cipher of Dictionaries and Back Using "Dunder" Methods And Attributes

Do you like custom cipher conversions?
2024/04/01 06:48
by freeman_lex

Convert Collatz Conjecture From String To Number And Back Using Python Pointers

Keep grinding Python!
2024/03/26 17:11
by freeman_lex

Balance Centrifuge With Tubes Using Deque...Or Not. Check Out Renewed Format!

New format of the digest
2024/03/19 17:38
by freeman_lex

Reverse Vowels in The Champernowne Word And Debug The Result!

Keeping you on pace with new missions and articles.
2024/03/09 15:17
by freeman_lex

Python 3.12 At CheckiO! Try It While Solving New and Time-proven Missions

Welcome Python 3.12 at CheckiO!
2024/02/22 18:10
by freeman_lex

Don't Learn C! Sort Waters Tubes And Connect Islands With Bridges Instead!

Try your hand with interesting and difficult missions from mobile app puzzles!
2024/02/02 19:05
by freeman_lex

Distribute Blood While Playing Mahjong And Painting Cells! 😜 Open And Find Out More!

Welcome the first full-format news in 2024 with usual new missions and articles.
2024/01/16 17:09
by freeman_lex

Discover the New Features in CheckiO ClassRoom

Latest updates to CheckiO ClassRoom are designed to make your educational experience more efficient, engaging, and enjoyable.
2024/01/09 15:43
by freeman_lex

Introducing Pair Programming on CheckiO: Elevating Collaborative Coding

CheckiO introduces Pair Programming, a new tool transforming online code editors into collaborative sessions for real-time coding collaboration and problem-solving.
2023/12/21 10:34
by freeman_lex

Habits of Great Devs & Kings of Optimization and Play With Cleaner and Bridge Hand

New skills and practising make you a better developer!
2023/11/28 17:24
by freeman_lex

Learn About Lambdas, Type Hints And Data Science Survey While Solving New Missions

Happy to meet you again and share the experience of Python learning.
2023/11/14 17:29
by freeman_lex

Eat Cookies, Make a New Math and Dive Into Variables Scope and Functools Module

A new bunch of missions and articles for your attention and solving!
2023/10/30 18:17
by freeman_lex

Python 3.12 Release, Advices from Guru and Integer Close Enough to be Perfect Power

Python 3.12 is here and usual new missions and topics!
2023/10/10 15:59
by freeman_lex
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