For this, I used, as way to determine the correct letter to return, the following snippet when
I had two letters that appeared the same number of times:
elif text.count(x) == total:
if x < letter:
letter = x
because using min(letter,x) was not working in here; but did locally. Why could this happen?
this is the solution that is not working in here but does locally (running pyCharm):
from string import *
def checkio(text):
total, letter = 0, 'z'
text = text.lower()
for x in set(text):
if x not in ascii_lowercase:
if text.count(x) > total:
letter = x
total = text.count(x)
elif text.count(x) == total:
return letter
Created at: 2016/03/15 19:09; Updated at: 2016/03/17 23:13