Home Coming
Jessica is going to see her family overseas today, so she goes to the local gift shop to buy some souvenirs. There are N souvenirs on the shelf, numbered 1, 2, ..., N from left to right. Souvenirs come in different types, which are denoted by positive integers. Jessica is in a hurry, so she can take only a consecutive interval of souvenirs. Formally, Jessica selects two indices, l and r , and takes all of the souvenirs numbered l, l+1, ..., r-1, r . Also, due to tax rules, airport security will throw away all souvenirs of a particular type if Jessica has more than S of that type in the chosen interval.
For example, suppose S = 2, and Jessica brings six souvenirs: one of type 0, two of type 1, and three of type 2. She will be allowed to keep the souvenir of type 0 and both souvenirs of type 1, but she will lose all of the souvenirs of type 2!
Jessica needs to choose l and r such that she can take the maximum number of souvenirs for her family. What is the maximum number of souvenirs she can bring?
This mission was proposed by Himanshu Jaju and Sadia Nahreen for Google Kickstart Round B 2019.
Two arguments:
- a list of positive integers, which represents the types of souvenirs on the shelf from left to right;
- a positive integer, the maximum amount of souvenirs of a single type in the chosen interval.
An integer, the maximum number of souvenirs Jessica can bring to her family.
home_coming([1, 1, 4, 1, 4, 4], 2) == 4 home_coming([1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 1) == 6 home_coming([1, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3, 4, 1], 1) == 4
In case #1, Jessica should choose l = 2 and r = 5. This allows her to take 4 souvenirs to the airport of types 1, 4, 1 and 4. None of them are thrown away by airport security, so she is able to bring 4 souvenirs to her family.
In case #2, Jessica should choose l = 1 and r = 8. This allows her to take all 8 souvenirs to the airport. Her souvenirs of type 5 are thrown away since she has more than S = 1 of them, so she is able to bring a total of 6 souvenirs to her family.
In case #3, Jessica should choose l = 1 and r = 9. This allows her to take 9 souvenirs to the airport of types 1, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3 and 4. Her souvenirs of type 8 are thrown away since she has more than S = 1 of them, so she is able to bring a total of 4 souvenirs to her family.
Precondition: 2 ≤ N ≤ 1000 1 ≤ S ≤ 100
CheckiO Extensions allow you to use local files to solve missions. More info in a blog post.
In order to install CheckiO client you'll need installed Python (version at least 3.8)
Install CheckiO Client first:
pip3 install checkio_client
Configure your tool
checkio --domain=py config --key=
Sync solutions into your local folder
checkio sync
(in beta testing) Launch local server so your browser can use it and sync solution between local file end extension on the fly. (doesn't work for safari)
checkio serv -d
Alternatevly, you can install Chrome extension or FF addon
checkio install-plugin
checkio install-plugin --ff
checkio install-plugin --chromium
Read more here about other functionality that the checkio client provides. Feel free to submit an issue in case of any difficulties.
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