• Learn Bytes And UTF-8 Properly And Don't Get Lost In Jumbled Letters!

Hello, checkiomates🐱‍👤!

Dive into bytes sequence and UTF-8 encoding and solve a new mission about measuring a level of jumbling letters in a word!


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Jumbled Letters by freeman_lex -

Let's try to evaluate a level of jumbling letters in a word. In this mission you are given two words - normal and jumbled version. If the jumbled one is not a version of a normal or rule is not followed, you function must return -1. For the totally same looking words return 0, of course. Otherwise, exclude first and last characters (they are not jumbled according to the rule) and return an average distance (rounded to 2 digits) between normal position of a character and its jumbled position.

jumbled("vehicle", "vheclie") == 1.2
jumbled("checkpoint", "cehkipont") == -1
jumbled("doctor", "doctor") == 0


`bytes`: The Lesser-Known Python Built-In Sequence • And Understanding UTF-8 Encoding -

We all have topics we feel we ought to know but never bothered learning properly. Usually, whenever I need to enter the name of a character encoding, I just type in "UTF-8" since I know it's the most common one, and then move on. But what's UTF-8?


How do you think, what the following code does?

def ???????(struct):
    try: return 1 + max(map(???????, struct), default=0)
    except TypeError: return 0

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