• Discover How To Break Out From Nested Loops And Find Captain's Share Of Gold

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Read a short lifehack article about breaking nested loops and try to divide gold among pirates and their captain withot blood (this time).


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Divide Gold by freeman_lex -

Captain Red Eye and his sailors found a chest containing a large number of identical gold coins. To divide up the coins, everyone agreed to the Captain's suggestion: each sailor except the Captain should receive exactly the same number of coins; the captain should receive twice as many coins as a sailor. Given the number of coins in the chest and the number of sailors, write a program to determine how many coins Captain Red Eye received.

captain_share(15, 1) == 10
captain_share(28, 2) == 14
captain_share(54, 4) == 18


Breaking out of nested loops with generators -

Have you ever had the situation where you’ve got a nested loop and need to break out of the outer one? You can use generators to simplify nested loops and make it easier to break out of them. This post shows you how.


How do you think, what the following code does?

def ??????????(s):
    return sum(s.count(x) * y for x, y in
               (('I', 1), ('V', 5), ('X', 10), ('L', 50), ('C', 100), ('D', 500), ('M', 1000),
                ('IV', -2), ('IX', -2), ('XL', -20), ('XC', -20), ('CD', -200), ('CM', -200)))

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