Learn Correct Line Breaking For Better Readability And Use It To Get A Single Word!
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In this lightweight digest read about a correct way of breaking ling lines and try to return the whole word having index of string in our new mission!
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Word boundaries by gleb10101010101 -
You are given a string (words) with some words separated by spaces and an integer (n) — index of a symbol in this string. You need to print the word (part of words, boundaried by spaces) that contains the symbol under this index. If no element matches this index, return None. Note: Index is 0-based and refers to the position of a character in the string (including the space characters).
boundaries(8, "+ - * / ( ) = 0") == "(" boundaries(12, "How do you do?") == "do?" boundaries(6, "This is a very strange test...") == "is"
Breaking up long lines of code in Python -
How can you put a line break inside a line of Python code without causing an error? Use an implicit line continuation! Read more...
Here is simple math and physics for the ancient task...How do you think, what the following code does?
def ???????(v1: int, v2: int, dt: int) -> float: return v1* dt/(v1 - v2)
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