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First solution in Clear category for YAML. More Types by pavel.borisofff
def yaml(a):
boolean = {
'false': False,
'true': True
result = dict()
items = a.split('\n')
for item in items:
if ':' in item:
key, value = [word.strip().replace('\\', '') for word in item.split(':')]
if value.isdigit():
value = int(value)
elif not value or value == 'null':
value = None
elif value.lower() in boolean:
value = boolean.get(value.lower(), value)
elif value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
value = value[1:-1]
result[key] = value
# print(key, value)
print('items: ', result)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(yaml('name: Alex\nage: 12'))
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing
assert yaml('name: Alex\nage: 12') == {'age': 12, 'name': 'Alex'}
assert yaml('name: Alex Fox\n'
'age: 12\n'
'class: 12b') == {'age': 12,
'class': '12b',
'name': 'Alex Fox'}
assert yaml('name: "Alex Fox"\n'
'age: 12\n'
'class: 12b') == {'age': 12,
'class': '12b',
'name': 'Alex Fox'}
assert yaml('name: "Alex \\"Fox\\""\n'
'age: 12\n'
'class: 12b') == {'age': 12,
'class': '12b',
'name': 'Alex "Fox"'}
assert yaml('name: "Bob Dylan"\n'
'children: 6\n'
'alive: false') == {'alive': False,
'children': 6,
'name': 'Bob Dylan'}
assert yaml('name: "Bob Dylan"\n'
'children: 6\n'
'coding:') == {'children': 6,
'coding': None,
'name': 'Bob Dylan'}
assert yaml('name: "Bob Dylan"\n'
'children: 6\n'
'coding: null') == {'children': 6,
'coding': None,
'name': 'Bob Dylan'}
assert yaml('name: "Bob Dylan"\n'
'children: 6\n'
'coding: "null" ') == {'children': 6,
'coding': 'null',
'name': 'Bob Dylan'}
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")
Feb. 16, 2021