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*Train Tracks Puzzle Solver solution in Clear category for Train Tracks by JimmyCarlos
# import time, tkinter as tk # If you enable this line, you can see the algorithm solving the puzzle in real-time!
class Board:
def __init__(self,row_counts,column_counts,start,end,constraints):
self.row_counts,self.column_counts = row_counts,column_counts # Given by question. Lists.
if "tk" in globals(): start,end,constraints = tuple(start),tuple(end),eval(constraints) # Convert input for compatability.
# Adjust the input. We want start and end pieces to have edges coming off the board.
self.H,self.W = len(row_counts),len(column_counts)
for x in (start,end):
if x[0] == 0: constraints[x].add("N")
elif x[0] == self.H-1: constraints[x].add("S")
elif x[1] == 0: constraints[x].add("W")
elif x[1] == self.W-1: constraints[x].add("E")
# Create the grid of tiles.
self.board = [[Tile(R,C) for C in range(self.W)] for R in range(self.H)]
# Make references to the start and end tiles
self.start = self.board[start[0]][start[1]]
self.end = self.board[end[0]][end[1]]
# Link the tiles together
for R in range(self.H):
for C in range(0,self.W-1):
u,v = self.board[R][C],self.board[R][C+1]
u.adj_tiles["E"],v.adj_tiles["W"] = v,u
for C in range(self.W):
for R in range(0,self.H-1):
u,v = self.board[R][C],self.board[R+1][C]
u.adj_tiles["S"],v.adj_tiles["N"] = v,u
# Set all bridges coming off the board as False. If coming off the board, then it links to None.
for R in range(self.H):
for C in range(self.W):
if self.board[R][C] in (self.start,self.end): continue
for direction in "NESW":
if self.board[R][C].adj_tiles[direction] == None:
self.board[R][C].locked_positions[direction] = False
# Use the constraints already given to add in the starting clues.
for (R,C),directions in constraints.items():
for direction in directions:
# Create the tkinter representation of the board.
if "tk" in globals():
self.root = tk.Tk()
screen_height_pixels = self.root.winfo_screenheight()
screen_height_points = 0.75 * screen_height_pixels # eg. Font Point Size.
font_size = int((screen_height_points - 200)//self.H)
self.label = tk.Label(self.root,text="",font=("Consolas",font_size),justify="left")
def __repr__(self): return "Board"
def update_board_repr(self):
"""Update the tkinter representation of the board to reflect changes made."""
if "tk" not in globals(): return
self.label.config(text="\n".join("".join(x.represent_self_as_ascii() for x in row) for row in self.board))
time.sleep(0.5) # Time Delay
def check_for_single_position_tiles(self):
"""Check all tiles to see if they have only one way of being placed."""
for R in range(self.H):
for C in range(self.W):
tile = self.board[R][C]
if len(tile.possible_positions) == 0: raise Exception("Can't place tile at ({},{})".format(R,C))
if len(tile.possible_positions) == 1:
empty_position = {"N":False, "E":False, "S":False, "W":False}
if tile.possible_positions[0] == empty_position:
for direction,status in tile.possible_positions[0].items():
def check_for_completed_rows_and_columns(self):
"""Check each row and column. If they must all be lit or unlit, then apply it."""
# Check rows
for R in range(self.H):
target = self.row_counts[R]
lit_cells = [C for C in range(self.W) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == True]
unknown_cells = [C for C in range(self.W) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == "?"]
unlit_cells = [C for C in range(self.W) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == False]
if len(lit_cells) + len(unknown_cells) == target: # Need everything else lit.
for C in unknown_cells: self.board[R][C].make_lit()
if len(lit_cells) == target: # Need everything else not lit.
for C in unknown_cells: self.board[R][C].make_unlit()
# Exactly one more cell needs to be lit. Tiles that need another one in this line can't be lit.
if len(lit_cells) + 1 == target:
for C in unknown_cells:
cell = self.board[R][C]
# Can pass perpendicularly through
if cell.locked_positions["N"] != False and cell.locked_positions["S"] != False: continue
# Can attach itself to a lit cell.
if cell.locked_positions["E"] != False and cell.adj_tiles["E"] is not None and cell.adj_tiles["E"].is_lit == True: continue
if cell.locked_positions["W"] != False and cell.adj_tiles["W"] is not None and cell.adj_tiles["W"].is_lit == True: continue
# This tile needs another tile in this line - but we only have one space, ∴ this tile isn't be lit.
# Exactly all but one more cell needs to be lit. If making a cell unlit makes another cell a dead-end, that cell can't be unlit.
if len(lit_cells) + len(unknown_cells) - 1 == target:
for C in unknown_cells:
cell = self.board[R][C]
# If either perpendicular cell is unknown, and has only 2 openings left, with the current tile being one of them,
# then this cell must be lit, or it would make the adj cell a dead-endm, meaning there are 2 not-lit tiles in this line - but we know there's only one!
for direction in "WE":
adj_cell = cell.adj_tiles[direction]
if adj_cell is None: continue # Off the board
if adj_cell.is_lit != "?": continue # Adj cell is lit/unlit already.
if cell.locked_positions[direction] == False: continue # No path to this adj cell.
if len([d for d in "NESW" if adj_cell.locked_positions[d] == "?"]) != 2: continue # More than one way to place this new cell.
# Check columns
for C in range(self.W):
target = self.column_counts[C]
lit_cells = [R for R in range(self.H) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == True]
unknown_cells = [R for R in range(self.H) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == "?"]
unlit_cells = [R for R in range(self.H) if self.board[R][C].is_lit == False]
if len(lit_cells) + len(unknown_cells) == target: # Need everything else lit.
for R in unknown_cells: self.board[R][C].make_lit()
if len(lit_cells) == target: # Need everything else not lit.
for R in unknown_cells: self.board[R][C].make_unlit()
# Exactly one more cell needs to be lit. Tiles that need another one in this line can't be lit.
if len(lit_cells) + 1 == target:
for R in unknown_cells:
cell = self.board[R][C]
# Can pass perpendicularly through
if cell.locked_positions["W"] != False and cell.locked_positions["E"] != False: continue
# Can attach itself to a lit cell.
if cell.locked_positions["N"] != False and cell.adj_tiles["N"] is not None and cell.adj_tiles["N"].is_lit == True: continue
if cell.locked_positions["S"] != False and cell.adj_tiles["S"] is not None and cell.adj_tiles["S"].is_lit == True: continue
# This tile needs another tile in this line - but we only have one space, ∴ this tile isn't be lit.
# Exactly all but one more cell needs to be lit. If making a cell unlit makes another cell a dead-end, that cell can't be unlit.
if len(lit_cells) + len(unknown_cells) - 1 == target:
for R in unknown_cells:
cell = self.board[R][C]
# If either perpendicular cell is unknown, and has only 2 openings left, with the current tile being one of them,
# then this cell must be lit, or it would make the adj cell a dead-endm, meaning there are 2 not-lit tiles in this line - but we know there's only one!
for direction in "NS":
adj_cell = cell.adj_tiles[direction]
if adj_cell is None: continue # Off the board
if adj_cell.is_lit != "?": continue # Adj cell is lit/unlit already.
if cell.locked_positions[direction] == False: continue # No path to this adj cell.
if len([d for d in "NESW" if adj_cell.locked_positions[d] == "?"]) != 2: continue # More than one way to place this new cell.
def check_for_ends_that_will_make_loops(self):
"""Look for any pairs of tiles where if a bridge was made between them, then it woulc create a loop."""
# Find ends of tracks, eg. where exactly one direction has been locked in.
is_end=lambda x:len([d for d in "NESW" if x.locked_positions[d] == True]) == 1 and x not in (self.start,self.end)
end_tiles = {self.board[R][C] for R in range(self.H) for C in range(self.W) if is_end(self.board[R][C])}
# Choose an end of a path, and follow it to the other end.
# If these ends are adjacent, they cannot be connected, as doing so would create a loop.
find_adj_tiles=lambda x:[x.adj_tiles[d] for d in "NESW" if x.locked_positions[d] == True and x.adj_tiles[d] is not None]
while end_tiles:
# Take a monorail ride to the end of the path.
path_start = end_tiles.pop()
last,cur = path_start,find_adj_tiles(path_start)[0]
while True:
cur_adj_tiles = find_adj_tiles(cur)
if len(cur_adj_tiles) == 0: break
last,cur = cur,cur_adj_tiles[0]
if cur in (self.start,self.end): break
# Ok, so we've found the end of this path. If this is the start/end of the whole grid then ignore it.
if cur in (self.start,self.end): continue
# See if the end of this path is adjacent to the start of the path.
for direction in "NESW":
if path_start.adj_tiles[direction] == cur:
def check_for_chokepoints(self):
"""Check the grid for any intersection that must be active or it would mean the start cannot reach the end."""
# Create an adjDict to link all of the tiles in the board together.
adjDict = {}
for R in range(self.H):
for C in range(self.W):
tile = self.board[R][C]
adjDict[tile] = set()
for direction in "NESW":
if tile.adj_tiles[direction] is None: continue # Goes off the board
if tile.locked_positions[direction] == False: continue # No path between these tiles
# Find any valid path from the start to the end. Any essential chokepoints will be on any valid path, so we only need to check tiles on this path.
golden_path = self.BFS_Path(self.start,self.end,adjDict)
# This strategy creates a boolean list for each tile in the golden path as to whether it must be in the final correct path or might not.
is_chokepoint = [True for x in golden_path]
# This stores whether we have found a viable route to each tile in the golden path.
is_reachable_with_starts_so_far = [False for x in golden_path]
# Now iterate through each tile in the golden path, trying to reach as many tiles as we can, without walking on the golden path.
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = set(),set(),set()
for i,golden_path_node in enumerate(golden_path):
# If it is possible to reach any tile on the golden path past this current tile, then this tile is not essential.
if any(is_reachable_with_starts_so_far[i+1:]): is_chokepoint[i] = False
# Regardless of it is a chokepoint, use BFS to find all the nodes that can be reached from this tile.
while nodesToCheck:
for node in nodesToCheck:
for newNode in adjDict[node]:
if newNode in golden_path:
is_reachable_with_starts_so_far[golden_path.index(newNode)] = True
if all(newNode not in S for S in (nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered)):
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = nodesChecked|nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered,set()
# All tiles that are chokepoints must be lit, or there can't be a path at all.
for is_chokepoint_tile,golden_path_tile in zip(is_chokepoint,golden_path):
if is_chokepoint_tile: golden_path_tile.make_lit()
# Now look at each intersection between the tiles of the golden path.
# If they are both chokepoints, then they must be both be part of the final track.
# But it is not certain they are directly connected!
# To check, remove the path between them and see if it is now impossible to go from the start to the end.
for i in range(len(golden_path)-1):
# If these two tiles are already connected then we don't care about them.
u,v = golden_path[i],golden_path[i+1]
direction, = [d for d in "NESW" if u.adj_tiles[d] == v]
if u.locked_positions[direction] == True: continue
# If removing this edge makes the board unsolvable then this intersection must be active.
if not self.BFS_Reachable(self.start, self.end, adjDict, disallowed_edge=(u,v)):
def BFS_Path(self,start,end,adjDict) -> list:
"""Use BFS to find the shortest path from a start to an end. Return an empty list if it can not be done."""
stepsToReachDict,stepsAway = {start:0},0
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = set(),{start},set()
while nodesToCheck:
stepsAway += 1
for node in nodesToCheck:
for newNode in adjDict[node]:
if all(newNode not in S for S in (nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered)):
stepsToReachDict[newNode] = stepsAway
if newNode == end:
finalPath,curNode = [newNode],newNode
while stepsAway > 0:
curNode = [x for x,v in stepsToReachDict.items() if v == stepsAway-1 and curNode in adjDict[x]][0]
finalPath.append(curNode); stepsAway -= 1
return finalPath[::-1]
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = nodesChecked|nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered,set()
return []
def BFS_Reachable(self,start,end,adjDict,disallowed_edge=None) -> bool:
"""Use BFS to find if we can go from the start to the end, not using the edge disallowed."""
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = set(),{start},set()
while nodesToCheck:
for node in nodesToCheck:
for newNode in adjDict[node]:
if (node,newNode) == disallowed_edge or (newNode,node) == disallowed_edge: continue
if newNode == end: return True
if all(newNode not in S for S in (nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered)):
nodesChecked,nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered = nodesChecked|nodesToCheck,nodesDiscovered,set()
return False
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
"""Return if the board is completely solved."""
tile_complete=lambda x:all(v != "?" for v in x.locked_positions.values())
return all(tile_complete(self.board[R][C]) for R in range(self.H) for C in range(self.W))
class Tile:
def __init__(self,R,C):
self.R,self.C = R,C # Reference to the Tile's position in the grid.
self.locked_positions = {"N":"?", "E":"?", "S":"?", "W":"?"} # True = Path, ? = Unknown, False = No Path
self.adj_tiles = {"N":None, "E":None, "S":None, "W":None} # References to all tiles adjacent on its ordinals.
self.is_lit = "?" # True = Lit, ? = Unknown, False = Not Lit
self.possible_positions = [{"N":True, "E":True, "S":False, "W":False},
{"N":True, "E":False, "S":True, "W":False},
{"N":True, "E":False, "S":False, "W":True},
{"N":False, "E":True, "S":True, "W":False},
{"N":False, "E":True, "S":False, "W":True},
{"N":False, "E":False, "S":True, "W":True},
{"N":False, "E":False, "S":False, "W":False}] # List of all possible positions that could fit in this tile
def __repr__(self): return "({},{})".format(self.R,self.C)
def represent_self_as_ascii(self) -> str:
"""Return what this tile looks like in a single ascii character."""
if self.is_lit == False: return " "
if self.is_lit == "?": return "▒"
if self.is_lit == True:
if len([x for x in self.locked_positions.values() if x == True]) != 2: return "█"
unicode_boxDict = {"NS":"║", "EW":"═", "EN":"╚", "ES":"╔", "SW":"╗", "NW":"╝"}
return unicode_boxDict["".join(x for x in "ENSW" if self.locked_positions[x] == True)]
def make_lit(self):
"""Call when we know this tile must be lit. Remove the empty position."""
self.is_lit = True
empty_position = {"N":False, "E":False, "S":False, "W":False}
if empty_position in self.possible_positions: self.possible_positions.remove(empty_position)
def make_unlit(self):
"""Call when we know this tile must be unlit. Lock in the empty position."""
self.is_lit = False
for direction in "NESW": self.lock_bridge_status(direction,False)
def lock_bridge_status(self,direction,status):
"""If we know if a bridge between two tiles is definitely on or definitely off, lock it in place."""
assert direction in ("N","E","S","W")
assert status in (True,False)
if self.locked_positions[direction] != "?": return # This tile has already been locked.
if status == True: self.make_lit()
self.locked_positions[direction] = status
adj_tile = self.adj_tiles[direction]
if adj_tile is None: return # Points off the board.
opposite_direction = {"N":"S", "E":"W", "S":"N", "W":"E"}[direction]
adj_tile.locked_positions[opposite_direction] = status
if status == True: adj_tile.make_lit()
def update_possible_positions(self):
"""Check to see if all possible positions are still plausible."""
is_viable_position=lambda x:all(self.locked_positions[direction] in ("?",status) for direction,status in x.items())
self.possible_positions = [pp for pp in self.possible_positions if is_viable_position(pp)]
def train_tracks(row_counts,column_counts,start,end,constraints) -> str:
# Create the board object
board = Board(row_counts,column_counts,start,end,constraints)
# Main Loop. Each loop applies all three solving strategies to the board.
while not board.is_complete:
# Find the path to go from the start to the end.
path_to_travel = ""
last,cur = None,board.start
while cur != board.end:
for d in "NESW":
if cur.locked_positions[d] == True and cur.adj_tiles[d] is not last:
path_to_travel += d
last,cur = cur,cur.adj_tiles[d]
return path_to_travel
May 13, 2020