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First solution in Uncategorized category for Stair Steps by not_real
# stair-steps.py
# http://www.checkio.org/mission/stair-steps/
There is a staircase with N steps and two platforms; one at the beginning, the
other at the end of the stairs. On each step a number is written (ranging from
-100 to 100 with the exception of 0.) Zeros are written on both platforms. You
start going up the stairs from the first platform, to reach the top on the
second one. You can move either to the next step or to the next step plus one.
You must find the best path to maximize the sum of numbers on the stairs on
your way up and return the final sum.
Input: Numbers on each stair as a list of integers.
Output: The final sum for the best way as an integer.
checkio([5, -3, -1, 2]) == 6
checkio([5, 6, -10, -7, 4]) == 8
checkio([-11, 69, 77, -51, 23, 67, 35, 27, -25, 95]) == 393
checkio([-21, -23, -69, -67, 1, 41, 97, 49, 27]) == 125
How it is used: This is a classical example of the optimisation problem. It can
show you the difference between the various methods of programming; such as
dynamic programming and recursion.
0 < len(steps) ≤ 10
all(-100 < x < 100 and x for x in steps)
def debug(f): # debug decorator takes function f as parameter
msg = f.__name__ # debug message to print later
def wrapper(*args): # wrapper function takes function f's parameters
result = f(*args) # call to original function
# ~ print(msg, args, ' ==> ', result) # print debug message
return result # return original function execution result
return wrapper # return the wrapper function, without calling it
def checkio(numbers):
if numbers:
return max(
numbers[0] + checkio(tail(numbers, 1)),
get(numbers, 1) + checkio(tail(numbers, 2))
return 0
def tail(list_, n):
if n < len(list_):
return list_[n:]
return []
def get(list_, n):
if n < len(list_):
return list_[n]
return 0
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert checkio([5, -3, -1, 2]) == 6, 'Fifth'
assert checkio([5, 6, -10, -7, 4]) == 8, 'First'
assert checkio([-11, 69, 77, -51, 23, 67, 35, 27, -25, 95]) == 393, 'Second'
assert checkio([-21, -23, -69, -67, 1, 41, 97, 49, 27]) == 125, 'Third'
print('All ok')
Aug. 17, 2015