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no built-in (also a bit clunky perhaps?) solution in Creative category for Replace All Occurrences by gabrielcarlosyt
def replace_all(mainText: str, target: str, repl: str) -> str:
finalText: str = "";
counter: int = 0;
for i in range(len(mainText) - len(target) + 1):
if mainText[i:i + len(target)] == target:
finalText += mainText[counter:i] + repl;
counter = i + len(target);
finalText += mainText[counter:len(mainText)];
return finalText;
print(replace_all("OpenAI", "AI", "Source"))
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking
assert replace_all("hello world", "world", "TypeScript") == "hello TypeScript"
assert (
replace_all("hello world world", "world", "TypeScript")
== "hello TypeScript TypeScript"
assert replace_all("TypeScript is fun", "fun", "awesome") == "TypeScript is awesome"
assert replace_all("aaa", "a", "b") == "bbb"
assert replace_all("replace all the all", "all", "some") == "replace some the some"
assert replace_all("nothing to replace", "something", "nothing") == "nothing to replace"
assert replace_all("same same same", "same", "same") == "same same same"
assert replace_all("123 123", "123", "321") == "321 321"
assert replace_all("OpenAI", "AI", "Source") == "OpenSource"
assert replace_all("", "anything", "nothing") == ""
print("The mission is done! Click 'Check Solution' to earn rewards!")
Oct. 22, 2023