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30-liner: supersonic solution in Speedy category for Remove Brackets by przemyslaw.daniel
This solution always gives the result of the correct size, but sometimes it differs
from the proper one. For Example:
remove_brackets('}[)){][}{]' == '[][]', should be '[{}]' but it is the same size
It is a trade-off between computation time and accuracy.
text = '}]][)[)[{[](({{()([([}](]({{)]((]]]](})}(]][[)]{)[]()}((()](})([{])[(})()]()' + \
'[([}{(]]{)}[((]](}{}{[([(][()]}[{)[(}[}(([(]((}[{()}({(((])]]]]{(](][})[()]{' + \
'))]{{){)})]{{[()}{})[{{](}(][}}[]{))[}[(][[([])[' # 200 characters
remove_brackets(text) # calculated in couple of seconds
from functools import lru_cache
def remove_brackets(text):
from itertools import combinations
brackets, size = ("()", "[]", "{}"), len(text)
if text in brackets:
return text
pairs = [(x, y) for x, y in combinations(range(size), 2)
if text[x]+text[y] in brackets]
rb = remove_brackets
result = [text[x]+rb(text[x+1:y])+text[y]+rb(text[y+1:])
for x, y in pairs]
return max(result[::-1], key=len, default='')
Feb. 23, 2019