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Recursive search solution in Clear category for Playfair Cipher Attack by Vykers
from itertools import product
def encrypt(message, key_table): #encrypts message using playfair key (from Playfair mission)
back_key = {key_table[i]: i for i in key_table}
answer = ''
for i in range(0, 15, 2):
a, b = message[i], message[i + 1]
ax, ay = key_table[a]
bx, by = key_table[b]
if bx == ax:
cx, cy = ax, (ay + 1) % 5
dx, dy = bx, (by + 1) % 5
elif ay == by:
cx, cy = (ax + 1) % 5, ay
dx, dy = (bx + 1) % 5, by
cx, cy = ax, by
dx, dy = bx, ay
answer += back_key[(cx, cy)] + back_key[(dx, dy)]
return answer
def resolve(table, pair): #given a pair of bigrams, finds and checks coordinates for second bigram
a, b, c, d = pair
update_ = {a: table[a], b: table[b]}
for (i, j, k) in [(c, a, b), (d, b, a)]:
if table[j][1] == table[k][1]:
coords = ((table[j][0] + 1) % 5, table[j][1])
elif table[j][0] == table[k][0]:
coords = (table[j][0], (table[j][1] + 1) % 5)
coords = (table[j][0], table[k][1])
if i in table:
if table[i] != coords:
raise AssertionError
elif coords in table.values():
raise AssertionError
update_[i] = coords
return update_
def make_variants(pair, table): #makes variants where letters of a pair might be in table
free_cells = {i for i in product(range(5), range(5)) if i not in table.values()}
a, b, c, d = pair
variants = []
a_coord = free_cells if a not in table else {table[a]}
for a_ in a_coord:
b_coord = free_cells - {a_} if b not in table else {table[b]}
for b_ in b_coord:
new_table = table.copy()
new_table.update({a: a_, b: b_})
v = resolve(new_table, a + b + c + d)
return variants
def search_step(candidate_table, unused_pairs): #recursive search step
if not unused_pairs:
return candidate_table
next_pair = max(unused_pairs, key=lambda x: sum([l in candidate_table for l in x])) #important!
variants = make_variants(next_pair, candidate_table)
for v in variants:
new_table = candidate_table.copy()
result = search_step(new_table, unused_pairs - {next_pair})
if result is not None:
return result
def playfair_attack(plain, crypto):
pairs = [(plain[i:i+2] + crypto[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(plain), 2)]
start = pairs[0]
key_table = search_step({start[0]: (0,0)}, set(pairs))
unknown = list(set('abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz') - set(key_table.keys()))
if len(unknown) == 1:
for xy in product(range(5), range(5)):
if xy not in key_table.values():
key_table[unknown[0]] = xy
return encrypt('topsecretmessage', key_table)
Jan. 4, 2022