1-liner solution in Creative category for Permutation Index by Ylliw
permutation_index=lambda n:1+sum(sum(p Oct. 24, 2019 Comments: obone on Nov. 1, 2019, 7:32 p.m. <p>It's really one-liner, but it's too long as for me.</p> kurosawa4434 on Nov. 8, 2019, 2:09 p.m. <p>I have almost the same idea, and you are better :-)</p> Ylliw on Nov. 9, 2019, 10:25 a.m. <p>Thank you so much. Coming from such a great coder that you are, I really appreciate. I tried to start my own mission, but fail to bring it to an end (with Github and in order to test it myself before releasing), as you publish several missions, I would appreciate any guidance.</p> kurosawa4434 on Nov. 9, 2019, 10:41 a.m. <blockquote> <p>I tried to start my own mission.</p> </blockquote> <p>That is the amazing activity ! :-D <br /> I think I have a lot of information about creating a mission. <br /> Can you post your question on the forum?</p> Ylliw on Nov. 9, 2019, 11:15 a.m. <p>I will on Tuesday. Thanks</p>
Oct. 24, 2019