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C solution in Uncategorized category for Pawn Brotherhood by kunkka71
import string
def safe_pawns(pawns):
def get_adjacent_block(pawn):
unfiltered_adjacent_blocks = [chr(ord(pawn[0].lower()) + adj ) + chr(ord(pawn[1])-1) for adj in range(-1,2) if adj != 0]
return [f for f in filter(lambda adjpawn : all([len(adjpawn) == 2,
adjpawn[0] in string.ascii_lowercase[:9],
adjpawn[1] in string.digits[1:-1] ]), unfiltered_adjacent_blocks)]
return (len([t for t in [get_adjacent_block(p) for p in pawns] if bool(set(t).intersection(pawns))]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert safe_pawns({"b4", "d4", "f4", "c3", "e3", "g5", "d2"}) == 6
assert safe_pawns({"b4", "c4", "d4", "e4", "f4", "g4", "e5"}) == 1
Oct. 25, 2014