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First solution in Clear category for Humpty Dumpty Form by Trailblazer
import math
def checkio(height, width):
a, c = width / 2, height / 2
volume = 4 / 3 * math.pi * a ** 2 * c
# Prolate spheroid
if a < c:
e = math.sqrt(1 - (a / c) ** 2)
surface = 2 * math.pi * a ** 2 * (1 + c / (a * e) * math.asin(e))
# Oblate spheroid
elif a > c:
e = math.sqrt(1 - (c / a) ** 2)
surface = 2 * math.pi * a ** 2 * (1 + (1 - e ** 2) / e * math.atanh(e))
# Sphere
surface = 4 * math.pi * a ** 2
return [round(volume, 2), round(surface, 2)]
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert checkio(4, 2) == [8.38, 21.48], "Prolate spheroid"
assert checkio(2, 2) == [4.19, 12.57], "Sphere"
assert checkio(2, 4) == [16.76, 34.69], "Oblate spheroid"
Aug. 10, 2019