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First solution in Speedy category for House Password by blankplank
checkio = lambda d: len(d) > 9 and d.isalnum() and not(d.islower() or d.isupper() or d.isdigit() or d.isalpha())
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert checkio('A1213pokl') == False, "1st example"
assert checkio('bAse730onE4') == True, "2nd example"
assert checkio('asasasasasasasaas') == False, "3rd example"
assert checkio('QWERTYqwerty') == False, "4th example"
assert checkio('123456123456') == False, "5th example"
assert checkio('QwErTy911poqqqq') == True, "6th example"
July 11, 2017