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First solution in Uncategorized category for Disposable Teleports by liuminzhao
# migrated from python 2.7
## teleports_string = "12,23,34,45,56,67,78,81"
## teleports_string = "12,23,34,45,56,67,78,81,17,28,33,44"
##teleports_string = "12,28,87,71,13,14,34,35,45,46,63,65"
def checkio(data):
# The idea is to delete unused bridges and
# turn problem into Eulerian Path problem.
# Since vertex 1 is both the start and end point,
# every vertex mush have even degrees. So for vertex
# with odd degrees, if one pair of them are connected,
# delete the bridge between them and make them as vertex
# with even degrees. Do this until number of vertex
# with odd degrees is zero.
# If none of vertex with odd degrees connects, try to find
# the middle vertex connecting them with degrees larger
# or equal to four. If we find one or two middle vertex,
# delete the bridges between odd-degree vertex and middle
# vertex, thus making them as even-degree vertex.
# After deleting unused bridges and making all vertex with
# even degrees, we apply the eular path algorithm to find
# the loop.
# transfer bridge into matrix (road)
road = [[0 for i in range(8) ] for j in range(8)]
a = data.split(',')
for one in a:
x, y = int(one[0]), int(one[1])
road[x - 1][y - 1] = 1
road[y - 1][x - 1] = 1
# stack, circuit, location for euler path problem
# location is the current location
stack = []
circuit = []
location = 0
# odd are the vertex with odd degrees
# p is the number of those vertex
odd = [one for one in range(8) if sum(road[one])%2]
p = len(odd)
while not p == 0:
flag = 0
# If any of the odd-degree vertex connects, delete
# the bridge between them
for i in range(p):
for j in range(i+1, p):
if road[odd[i]][odd[j]] == 1:
road[odd[i]][odd[j]] = 0
road[odd[j]][odd[i]] = 0
odd = [one for one in range(8) if sum(road[one])%2]
p = len(odd)
flag = 1
if flag:
# If none of the odd-degree vertex connects,
# find the middle vertex, and delete the whole bridge
if not flag:
mid0 = [one for one in range(8) if road[odd[0]][one] == 1 and sum(road[one]) >= 4]
mid1 = [one for one in range(8) if road[odd[1]][one] == 1 and sum(road[one]) >= 4]
for i in mid0:
for j in mid1:
if i == j:
road[i][odd[0]] = 0
road[i][odd[1]] = 0
road[odd[0]][i] = 0
road[odd[1]][i] = 0
flag = 1
elif road[i][j] == 1:
road[i][odd[0]] = 0
road[j][odd[1]] = 0
road[odd[0]][i] = 0
road[odd[1]][j] = 0
road[i][j] = 0
road[j][i] = 0
flag = 1
odd = [one for one in range(8) if sum(road[one])%2]
p = len(odd)
if flag:
# Apply Euler path algorithm
while 1:
if road[location].count(1) == 0:
circuit.append(location + 1)
location = stack.pop()
nextpoint = road[location].index(1)
road[location][nextpoint] = 0
road[nextpoint][location] = 0
location = nextpoint
if road[location].count(1) == 0 and stack == []:
return ''.join([str(one) for one in circuit]) + '1'
April 29, 2013