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First solution in Clear category for Cut Sentence by pavel.borisofff
def cut_sentence(s, num):
return s if num >= len(s) else f'{s[:(s[:num + 1].rfind(" ")) if " " in s[:num + 1] else 0]}...'
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert cut_sentence("Hi my name is Alex", 4) == "Hi...", "First"
assert cut_sentence("Hi my name is Alex", 8) == "Hi my...", "Second"
assert cut_sentence("Hi my name is Alex", 18) == "Hi my name is Alex", "Third"
assert cut_sentence("Hi my name is Alex", 20) == "Hi my name is Alex", "Fourth"
print('Done! Do you like it? Go Check it!')
Feb. 2, 2019