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First: str.find + enumerate + SLICE solution in Uncategorized category for Cookies by hbczmxy
def get_cookie(cookie, name):
index = cookie.find(name)
value = ""
cookie_index = enumerate( cookie[index + len(name) +1:len(cookie)], index)
for num, c in cookie_index:
if not (c == ";" or num == len(cookie) - 1):
value += c
elif c == ";":
return value
if __name__ == "__main__":
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert (
get_cookie("theme=light; sessionToken=abc123", "theme") == "light"
), "theme=light"
assert (
get_cookie("_ga=GA1.2.447610749.1465220820; _gat=1; ffo=true", "ffo") == "true"
), "ffo=true"
print("Looks like you know everything. It is time for 'Check'!")
Dec. 20, 2022