wrong ore to probe distance calculation
I would like to give some feedback about distance from ore to probe calculation. if the ore located in (6,6) and probe is send to (row=9,col=9) then according to provided formula we will get: dist = round(((row - ore[0]) * 2 + (col - ore[1]) * 2) * 0.5) dist = round(((9 - 6) * 2 + (9 - 6) * 2) * 0.5)=round((9+9)0.5)=4 180.5 = 4.2426
From: https://checkio.org/mission/ore-in-the-desert/solve/
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Chrome/51.0.2704.103
1) sent probe to (9,9) when the ore located in (6,6)
2) get system's response with distance to ore
Actual result:
- the system returns [9,9,6]
Expected result:
-the system should return [9,9,4]
please correct me if I'm wrong