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From: http://www.checkio.org/mission/one-line-drawing/solve/
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mydict={} mypoints=[] mylevel = 0
def inPaths( p1, p2, data): for item in data: if p1[0] == item[0] and p1[1] == item[1] and p2[0] == item[2] and p2[1] == item[3]: return True if p1[0] == item[2] and p1[1] == item[3] and p2[0] == item[0] and p2[1] == item[1]: return True return False
def inCurPath( p1, p2, curpath): for i in range(0, len(curpath)-1): if p1[0] == curpath[i][0] and p1[1] == curpath[i][1] and p2[0] == curpath[i+1][0] and p2[1] == curpath[i+1][1]: return True if p2[0] == curpath[i][0] and p2[1] == curpath[i][1] and p1[0] == curpath[i+1][0] and p1[1] == curpath[i+1][1]: return True return False
def findNextPoint( curpath ,data): global mydict if curpath[0] not in mydict: mydict[ curpath[0] ] = curpath
path = mydict[ curpath[0] ] #save longer path if len(path) < len(curpath): mydict[ curpath[0] ] = curpath for item in mypoints: if inPaths( curpath[-1], item,data)== True and inCurPath( curpath[-1],item, curpath) == False: #print( "new item:", item, "curpath=",curpath) curpath.append( item ) findNextPoint(curpath, data) if len(curpath) == len( data )+1: mydict[ curpath[0] ] = curpath return True return False
def mydraw(data):
global mydict
global mypoints
for item in data:
line = list(item)
point1 = (line[0],line[1])
point2 = (line[2],line[3])
if point1 not in mypoints:
mypoints.append( point1 )
if point2 not in mypoints:
mypoints.append( point2 )
#print( "mypoints",mypoints)
for item in mypoints:
curpath = [ item ]
findNextPoint(curpath, data)
#print( "mydict",mydict) result =[] for item in mypoints: if len( mydict[item] ) == len(data)+1: print( mydict[item] ) return mydict[item] print([]) return []
def draw(data): mydraw({(1,1,2,2),(2,1,2,2),(2,1,3,2),(2,1,3,1),(1,1,0,2),(1,1,0,0),(3,2,3,1),(0,0,0,2)}) return mydraw(data)