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3.1 Introduction
The CheckiO Editor is where you will spend most of your time dreaming up solutions for the various CheckiO missions. It actually behaves much like a typical python editor but has built in functionality that allows it to check your code against the mission parameters. This article will examine the main components of the editor that you will interact with the most.
3.2 The Editor
The Editor is broken up into different panels and menus. Each has a different function. In order to complete a mission, you need to write the checkio function so that it returns the proper result specified by the mission requirements You can use the python console to try different python functions and see how they work. You can open a runtime environment to interact with your code by typing commands into the python console.
Sometimes you will see the “Try It Panel” this is a graphical user interface that allows you to see how your code behaves in a visual manner. You can interact with this interface to draw lines, change numbers, play puzzles, etc. When you change your code, the try it panel instantly recognizes this and allows you to interact with the new code you have written. To see it in action, check out the “Try It Panel” video on our Youtube Channel.
Run and Check allows you to run your code and check it against the mission parameters. If your code fails, there will be a screen explaining where and why the code failed. Should you need to review the mission parameters, you can view the task information by clicking on the task button. If your code passes you will see a win screen. This screen displays information on how to access the next task or publish your solution and view other publications for the mission.
If you would like to see the CheckiO editor in action, check out this video on our Youtube Channel where you can see how the different parts of the CheckiO Editor behave.