i think there might be a mistake in "Correct Sentence" exercise.
first, the two last assertions are missing from the code, i had to add them from the checking results('hi' , 'welcome to New York').
second thing is that the phrase "New York" does not go by the rules of the exercise, it did not said to recognize names.
The exercise:
For the input of your function, you will be given one sentence. You have to return a corrected version, that starts with a capital letter and ends with a period (dot).
Pay attention to the fact that not all of the fixes are necessary. If a sentence already ends with a period (dot), then adding another one will be a mistake.
this is my failed try:
def correct_sentence(text: str) -> str:
if text[-1]=='.':
return "".join(text[0].upper()+text[1:].lower())
return "".join(text[0].upper()+text[1:].lower()+'.')
print(correct_sentence("greetings, friends"))
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking
assert correct_sentence("greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("Greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("Greetings, friends.") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("greetings, friends.") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence('hi') == 'Hi.'
assert correct_sentence('welcome to New York') == 'Welcome to New York.'
print("The mission is done! Click 'Check Solution' to earn rewards!")
i am enjoying your site,
Thank you.
Created at: 2024/01/14 21:41; Updated at: 2024/01/15 09:59