• TypeError

Question related to mission Landing Site


It seems that tests are broken

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/project/runners/ucheck/centertasks/uch.py", line 19, in <module>
    import referee
  File "/data/repos/86682fc9f3404ade81505f95048d18b4/referee.py", line 30, in <module>
    from tests import TESTS
  File "/data/repos/86682fc9f3404ade81505f95048d18b4/tests.py", line 108, in <module>
    "Randoms": landing_site_make_random_tests(10),
  File "/data/repos/86682fc9f3404ade81505f95048d18b4/tests.py", line 45, in landing_site_make_random_tests
    obstacles, adjacent = make_island(choice(list(rest_hexes)))
  File "/data/repos/86682fc9f3404ade81505f95048d18b4/tests.py", line 33, in make_island
    next_hexes |= set(sample(adj_hexes, randint(0, min(3, len(adj_hexes)))))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/random.py", line 439, in sample
    raise TypeError("Population must be a sequence.  "
TypeError: Population must be a sequence.  For dicts or sets, use sorted(d).