• Date and Time Converter solution bug?


Home - Date and Time Converter My code (I know, it sucks. It's my firt shot): import datetime

def date_time(time: str) -> str:
    out = time[0].strip("0") + time[1]
    #month and year
    month_name = datetime.datetime.strptime(time[3:5], "%m").strftime("%B")
    out = out + " " + month_name + " " + time[6:10] + " year "
    if time[11:13] == "01":
        out = out + " 1 hour "
        out = out + time[11].strip("0") + time[12] + " hours "
    if time[14:16] == "01":
        out = out + "1 minute"
        out = out + time[14].strip("0") + time[15] + " minutes"
    return out

After checking:

Your result:"11 April 1812 year 1 hour 1 minute"

Right result:"11 April 1812 year 1 hour 1 minute"

Arent the same thing?
