Problem with Warlord mission
In this mission:
I get this error:
How to resolve it? Thank you for your time.
class Warrior: def __init__(self): = 50 self.max_health = 50 self.attack = 5 @property def is_alive(self): if > 0: return True return False def equip_weapon(self, weapon): += self.max_health += self.attack += weapon.attack if hasattr(self, 'vampirism') and hasattr(weapon, 'vampirism'): self.vampirism += weapon.vampirism if hasattr(self, 'defense') and hasattr(weapon, 'vampirism'): self.defense += weapon.defense if hasattr(self, 'heal_power') and hasattr(weapon, 'vampirism'): self.heal_power += weapon.heal_power class Lancer(Warrior): # первому, стоящему перед ним сопернику, он наносит урон в размере 100% своей атаки # (с учетом защиты соперника, если она есть), а сопернику, который стоит позади - 50% от # нанесенного урона (защита соперника уменьшает наносимый копейщиком урон и, # соответственно, получаемый вторым юнитом урон). def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.attack = 6 class Vampire(Warrior): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.max_health = 40 = 40 self.attack = 4 self.vampirism = 50 class Defender(Warrior): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.max_health = 60 = 60 self.attack = 3 self.defense = 2 class Knight(Warrior): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.attack = 7 class Healer(Warrior): # Каждый раз, когда союзный солдат бьет врага, Healer, стоящий позади союзника лечит его на +2 # единицы здоровья. При этом исцеление не может поднять здоровье выше максимального уровня. def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.max_health = 60 = 60 self.attack = 0 self.heal_pwr = 2 def heal(self, unit): = min(unit.max_health, + self.heal_pwr) class Warlord(Warrior): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.max_health = 100 = 100 self.attack = 4 self.defense = 2 ######################################################################## class Weapon: def __init__(self, health, attack, defense, vampirism, heal_power): = health self.attack = attack self.defense = defense self.vampirism = vampirism self.heal_power = heal_power class Sword(Weapon): def __init__(self): = 5 self.attack = 2 class Shield(Weapon): def __init__(self): = 20 self.attack = -1 self.defense = 2 class GreatAxe(Weapon): def __init__(self): = -15 self.attack = 5 self.defense = -2 self.vampirism = 10 class Katana(Weapon): def __init__(self): = -20 self.attack = 6 self.defense = -5 self.vampirism = 10 class MagicWand(Weapon): def __init__(self): = 30 self.attack = 3 self.heal_power = 3 ######################################################################## def lancer_attack(lancer, enemy): damage = 0 if type(enemy) == Defender and lancer.attack > enemy.defense: damage = lancer.attack/2 - enemy.defense else: damage = lancer.attack/2 -= damage return enemy def fight(unit_1, unit_2, i=0, army1=False, army2=False, healer_1=False, healer_2=False): damage = 0 while unit_1.is_alive and unit_2.is_alive: if army1 and army2 and type(unit_1) == Lancer and len(army2.units)-1>i: army2.units[i+1] = lancer_attack(army1.units[i], army2.units[i+1]) if type(unit_2) == Defender: if unit_1.attack > unit_2.defense: damage = unit_1.attack - unit_2.defense -= damage else: damage = unit_1.attack -= damage if type(unit_1) == Vampire and damage != 0: += int(damage * unit_1.vampirism / 100) if > unit_1.max_health: = unit_1.max_health if unit_1.is_alive and healer_1: healer_1.heal(unit_1) # Если второй воин (которого ударили) еще живой if unit_2.is_alive: if army1 and army2 and type(unit_2) == Lancer and len(army1.units)-1>i: army1.units[i+1] = lancer_attack(army2.units[i], army1.units[i+1]) if type(unit_1) == Defender: if unit_2.attack > unit_1.defense: damage = unit_2.attack - unit_1.defense -= damage else: damage = unit_2.attack -= damage if type(unit_2) == Vampire and damage != 0: += int(damage * unit_2.vampirism / 100) if > unit_1.max_health: = unit_1.max_health if unit_2.is_alive and healer_2: healer_2.heal(unit_2) if unit_1.is_alive and not unit_2.is_alive: return True return False class Army: def __init__(self): self.units = [] def add_units(self, units, count): for x in range(count): self.units.append(units()) def move_units(self): warlord = [x for x in self.units if type(x)==Warlord] if warlord: lancers = [x for x in self.units if type(x)==Lancer] healers = [x for x in self.units if type(x)==Healer] soldiers = [x for x in self.units if not isinstance(x, (Lancer, Healer, Warlord))] warlord = [x for x in self.units if type(x)==Warlord] self.units = [] if lancers: self.units.append(lancers[0]) else: self.units.append(soldiers[0]) if healers: self.units.extend(healers) if len(lancers)>1: self.units.extend(lancers[1:]) if lancers: self.units.extend(soldiers) else: self.units.extend(soldiers[1:]) self.units.extend(warlord) def delete_zero(grp): """Удаляем ноли из списка с группами ламп""" import itertools as it neo = list(it.filterfalse(lambda x: x == 0, grp)) return neo class Battle: def fight(self, army1, army2): if isinstance(army1, Army) and isinstance(army2, Army): army1.move_units() army2.move_units() while len(army1.units) and len(army2.units): healer_1, healer_2 = False, False if len(army1.units)>1: healer_1 = army1.units[1] if type(army1.units[1]) == Healer else False if len(army2.units)>1: healer_2 = army2.units[1] if type(army2.units[1]) == Healer else False first_wins = fight(army1.units[0], army2.units[0], 0, army1, army2, healer_1, healer_2) if first_wins: del army2.units[0] army2.move_units() else: del army1.units[0] army1.move_units() if army1.units: return True return False else: print('Not correct input!') def straight_fight(self, army1, army2): while army1.units and army2.units: i = 0 for x, y in zip(army1.units, army2.units): first_wins = fight(x, y) if first_wins: army2.units[i] = 0 else: army1.units[i] = 0 i += 1 army1.units = delete_zero(army1.units) army2.units = delete_zero(army2.units) if army1.units: return True return False