• Function don't take result another function

Question related to mission Cipher Map


I don't understand, wy function counting do not take result rotate function? maybe someone give me a hint?

def counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password):
    global result
    result = ""
    index_word = 0
    for word in cipher_grille:
        index_element = 0
        for element in word:
            if element == "X":
                result += ciphered_password[index_word][index_element]
            index_element += 1
        index_word += 1
    return result

def rotate(cipher_grille):
    list_cipher_grille = []
    list_cipher_grille = ','.join(cipher_grille)
    str1, str2, str3, str4 = list_cipher_grille.split(",")
    cipher_grille = zip(str4, str3, str2, str1)
    return cipher_grille

def recall_password(cipher_grille, ciphered_password):
    all_result = ""
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result

    return all_result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
    assert recall_password(
         'qrdi')) == 'icantforgetiddqd', 'First example'

    assert recall_password(
         'fyzr')) == 'rxqrwsfzxqxzhczy', 'Second example'

And second question, how i can that code block more shorter and more pretty? I try simple *4 in the end, but give more errors.

    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result
    counting(cipher_grille, ciphered_password)
    all_result += result