I would like to give some feedback about ...
From: https://py.checkio.org/mission/army-battles/solve/
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
the error message I am getting:
army1 = Army()
army2 = Army()
army1.addunits(Warrior, 1)
army2.addunits(Warrior, 2)
battle = Battle()
battle.fight(army1, army2)
KeyError: 'fight', , 25
Usually it shows only if my input was incorrect but now
it does not even care if there is anything inside of my classes or functions
My solution seems to work when testing
can you please check if there is an issue with this assignment
thank you
Created at: 2019/02/25 23:09; Updated at: 2019/02/26 18:48
The question is resolved.