• Want some ideas

Question related to mission Colder-Warmer


Hello everyone,

I cannot pass the test 2 cause I exceed the limited step length. I have no idea at this moment.

Could you help review my code and give me your ideas?

from math import hypot
def check_solution(func, goal, start):
    prev_steps = [start]
    for step in range(MAX_STEP):
        row, col = func([s[:] for s in prev_steps])
        if [row, col] == goal:
            return True
        if 10 <= row or 0 > row or 10 <= col or 0 > col:
            print("You gave wrong coordinates.")
            return False
        prev_distance = hypot(prev_steps[-1][0] - goal[0], prev_steps[-1][1] - goal[1])
        distance = hypot(row - goal[0], col - goal[1])
        alteration = 0 if prev_distance == distance else (1 if prev_distance > distance else -1)
        prev_steps.append([row, col, alteration])
    print("Too many steps")
    return False

from itertools import product
def checkio(steps):
    x, y, status = steps[-1]
    log = {(x, y): warmer for x, y, warmer in steps}
    print(steps, log)
    for dx, dy in product((1, -1, 0), repeat = 2):
        if 0 <= x + dx < 10 and 0 <= y + dy < 10:
            if status == -1:
                x, y = [(px, py) for px, py, warmer in steps if warmer != -1][-1]
            nextStep = (x + dx, y + dy)
            if nextStep not in log.keys():
                return nextStep

print(check_solution(checkio, [5, 6], [0, 0, 0]))    # test 2