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[Vote] What puzzles do you want?


I think there are great puzzles in Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection.

I already adapted 2 games (Net Game, Inertia) and some games are already here on checkio like Fifteen (mission 8 Puzzle), Flip (mission Wall Keeper), Guess (mission Bulls and Cows), Map (mission Color Map), Mines (mission Minesweeper), Pattern (mission Nonogram Row), Solo (mission Sudoku Solver).

I would like to know which other games you would like to see translated into mission. I won't translate them all but a few one I hope. So you can vote at most 5 games.

I started on Light Up, Filling and a little on Flood, Rectangles.

You can also vote for: Black Box, Bridges, Dominosa, Galaxies, Keen, Loopy, Magnets, Netslide, Palisade, Pearl, Range, Signpost, Singles, Sixteen, Slant, Tents, Towers, Tracks, Twiddle, Undead, Unequal, Unruly.

Some are difficult to translate into a mission, don't care about that (if it's not really possible, I won't do it). Some are funny, others are not.

  • idea
Created: Jan. 10, 2019, 3:33 p.m.
Updated: Jan. 16, 2019, 10:44 a.m.
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