I ran into a problem when checking this task.
The dummy code seems to work fine; however, I experience strange behaviour when running checks on my code.
When I press Run & Check with the assertions uncommented:
if __name__ == '__main__': print(checkio([])) print(checkio([[5, 3, 4]])) print(checkio([[5, 3, 4], [2, 9, 3]]))
This data gets fed into the program instead of checking data, i.e. when checking input is [[0,0,1]], the program reads [[5, 3, 4]] instead.
I also received an error like in the attached picture (I don't get how is [1,0] is not a list of two integers).
I also get a 'ErrorUserRunSeondProcess' in the console.
When I comment-out the assertions, however, the checking doesn't occur at all. I see that the button-bar has the "Stop" button, however, there is no indication that the system is checking anything.
Perhaps, I re-ran the check too often and it caused some sort of system malfunction?
Please, aid me on this matter, as I think I got a working solution!