• We need you for all kinds of things!

Hi there!

I guess you’re wondering what happened this week.

New to the team: Igor

We’re happy to introduce our newest addition to the backend team: Igor Lubimov. Igor got his first computer when he was 10 and built his first dynamic website when he was 15. Time to get to know this guy a bit better, what do you say?

Create your own mission on CheckiO

Little-known feature is the functionality to create your own missions (or: challenges) on CheckiO. We’ve published our templates and tests on GitHub, open for you to take a look and create your own missions. Read more about it, on our blog.

Try Global Random Review

You might have heard of the term ‘Random Review’. A Random Review is when you give feedback on a solution for a particular task, not knowing who published this solution or what other users have commented already. That means: full focus on the code in front of you. Global Random Reviews take this a bit further, as you'll review code from any random task (you've already solved yourself). Our Valentin does a round every morning. He tells us it’s like meditation to him. We bet he already helped a lot of users with his feedback and now it’s your turn to write a Global Random Review!

Introducing: the CheckiO Handbook

At CheckiO we aim to offer a safe environment to learn write better code, for beginners and advanced programmers alike. But we are just like real people, emotions run high at times and we found there’s no harm in setting up a handbook. Learn how to be your bestest self!

Working on the next big thing:

Behind the scenes, we are working on something that will show you more visually how you compete with other CheckiO members. Literally. Fighting in an arena, you'll try to beat your opponent and his or her program with yours. We’d publish the game play, not your code, so you can’t look into the code of the competition or the other way around. Your friends can however give you strategic advice.

We’re figuring out what such a challenge should entail exactly and even though this might sound a bit vague still, we’d love to hear if you have any ideas and/or if you want to help try it out in an early stage?! Looking forward to your response!

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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