Hello CheckiO users! 😉
In our last post we’ve talked about how you can explore Python and all other useful things you can do with the new feature – Solution Search.
Since then, we’ve received a lot of positive feedbacks 😍, which we are very thankful for, especially the bug reports. Your support helps us to become even better! We’ve updated the search, added the missing functions, classes and exceptions.
At this point, you can experience the new version of the solution search feature. But it’s still in the beta testing mode, so you are welcome and encouraged to continue sending us your feedbacks.
Apart from that, there is a very cool thing that we want you to have 💡. It’s a list of indexed functions, modules and classes, which you can find below. And the cool part is that you can click on any item you want and see where, how and how often it has been used on CheckiO. If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what is 😎.
- len - 155556
- True - 67179
- False - 59167
- sorted - 37700
- max - 30284
- sum - 29989
- print - 20684
- min - 20012
- abs - 19823
- None - 16859
- ord - 10782
- bin - 9587
- round - 9572
- format - 8597
- chr - 6668
- all - 6220
- any - 6013
- ValueError - 5352
- IndexError - 3535
- isinstance - 2499
- next - 2489
- eval - 1752
- divmod - 1669
- pow - 1631
- iter - 1554
- dir - 549
- KeyError - 468
- __import__ - 444
- TypeError - 405
- getattr - 378
- hasattr - 338
- input - 314
- Exception - 272
- StopIteration - 272
- id - 246
- repr - 242
- ZeroDivisionError - 207
- hash - 176
- open - 162
- globals - 107
- ascii - 99
- vars - 91
- locals - 87
- hex - 84
- exec - 84
- AttributeError - 80
- setattr - 78
- AssertionError - 46
- compile - 45
- Ellipsis - 41
- ImportError - 35
- __doc__ - 21
- UnboundLocalError - 19
- callable - 18
- SyntaxError - 17
- NameError - 17
- issubclass - 16
- BaseException - 12
- UnicodeEncodeError - 11
- OverflowError - 9
- oct - 8
- RecursionError - 7
- UnicodeDecodeError - 6
- delattr - 5
- RuntimeError - 5
- LookupError - 4
- EOFError - 3
- ArithmeticError - 2
- MemoryError - 1
- TabError - 1
- GeneratorExit - 1
- RuntimeWarning - 1
- IOError - 1
- OSError - 1
- abc - 133
- array - 13
- ast - 18
- binascii - 2
- bisect - 55
- bs4 - 1
- calendar - 199
- cmath - 66
- collections - 6396
- collections.Counter - 3140
- collections.defaultdict - 1482
- collections.deque - 1162
- collections.OrderedDict - 286
- collections.namedtuple - 258
- collections.Iterable - 43
- collections.UserList - 12
- collections.ChainMap - 5
- collections.UserDict - 3
- collections.Sequence - 2
- collections.Generator - 2
- collections.Iterator - 1
- collections.abc - 37
- contextlib - 33
- copy - 494
- ctypes - 1
- dataclasses - 67
- datetime - 5740
- datetime.date - 2971
- datetime.timedelta - 1235
- datetime.strptime - 826
- datetime.datetime - 555
- datetime.strftime - 69
- datetime.time - 30
- datetime.weekday - 9
- datetime.combine - 8
- datetime.now - 7
- datetime.today - 7
- datetime.isoweekday - 6
- datetime.fromtimestamp - 4
- datetime.toordinal - 3
- datetime.min - 3
- datetime.fromisoformat - 2
- datetime.tzinfo - 2
- datetime.timestamp - 1
- datetime.timezone - 1
- datetime.fromordinal - 1
- decimal - 160
- difflib - 22
- enum - 28
- fractions - 889
- functools - 3606
- hashlib - 52
- heapq - 470
- io - 3
- ipaddress - 9
- itertools - 5481
- itertools.product - 1089
- itertools.combinations - 1063
- itertools.chain - 762
- itertools.groupby - 641
- itertools.permutations - 633
- itertools.zip_longest - 296
- itertools.cycle - 180
- itertools.count - 146
- itertools.starmap - 118
- itertools.combinations_with_replacement - 105
- itertools.takewhile - 101
- itertools.accumulate - 86
- itertools.islice - 83
- itertools.repeat - 53
- itertools.dropwhile - 42
- itertools.compress - 35
- itertools.tee - 31
- itertools.filterfalse - 17
- math - 7700
- math.sqrt - 1400
- math.acos - 1149
- math.pi - 1109
- math.degrees - 807
- math.ceil - 678
- math.asin - 332
- math.floor - 329
- math.hypot - 249
- math.log - 226
- math.sin - 215
- math.atanh - 202
- math.cos - 153
- math.factorial - 149
- math.pow - 131
- math.gcd - 112
- math.fabs - 85
- math.radians - 81
- math.atan2 - 62
- math.inf - 37
- math.trunc - 34
- math.e - 33
- math.exp - 20
- math.log10 - 17
- math.tan - 16
- math.copysign - 14
- math.atan - 10
- math.dist - 8
- math.modf - 7
- math.prod - 5
- math.log2 - 5
- math.fmod - 4
- math.isclose - 3
- math.asinh - 3
- math.isnan - 3
- math.fsum - 3
- math.isqrt - 2
- math.tau - 2
- math.comb - 1
- math.nan - 1
- math.gamma - 1
- math.isinf - 1
- math.log1p - 1
- multiprocessing - 2
- multiprocessing.sharedctypes - 2
- numbers - 4
- numpy - 225
- numpy.array - 47
- numpy.rot90 - 26
- numpy.median - 21
- numpy.prod - 10
- numpy.ones - 8
- numpy.matrix - 7
- numpy.zeros - 7
- numpy.pi - 6
- numpy.unique - 5
- numpy.arccos - 5
- numpy.fliplr - 4
- numpy.allclose - 3
- numpy.argwhere - 3
- numpy.linalg - 3
- numpy.amax - 3
- numpy.vstack - 3
- numpy.ceil - 3
- numpy.argmax - 3
- numpy.inner - 3
- numpy.convolve - 2
- numpy.hypot - 2
- numpy.ogrid - 2
- numpy.diagonal - 2
- numpy.binary_repr - 2
- numpy.array_equal - 2
- numpy.arcsin - 2
- numpy.arctanh - 2
- numpy.extract - 2
- numpy.abs - 2
- numpy.sqrt - 2
- numpy.cross - 2
- numpy.NaN - 2
- numpy.arctan2 - 2
- numpy.count_nonzero - 2
- numpy.where - 2
- numpy.argmin - 1
- numpy.product - 1
- numpy.shape - 1
- numpy.std - 1
- numpy.real - 1
- numpy.sum - 1
- numpy.less - 1
- numpy.fmax - 1
- numpy.concatenate - 1
- numpy.random - 1
- numpy.reshape - 1
- numpy.dot - 1
- numpy.flipud - 1
- numpy.angle - 1
- numpy.sign - 1
- numpy.linspace - 1
- numpy.asarray - 1
- numpy.transpose - 1
- numpy.isinf - 1
- numpy.hsplit - 1
- numpy.subtract - 1
- numpy.log - 1
- numpy.round - 1
- numpy.core.numeric - 1
- numpy.fft - 4
- numpy.linalg - 23
- numpy.ma.core - 1
- numpy.polynomial - 2
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial - 9
- numpy.random - 1
- operator - 1658
- operator.itemgetter - 496
- operator.mul - 398
- operator.add - 151
- operator.sub - 98
- operator.or_ - 92
- operator.xor - 76
- operator.and_ - 67
- operator.eq - 52
- operator.lt - 42
- operator.gt - 41
- operator.truediv - 28
- operator.methodcaller - 25
- operator.attrgetter - 15
- operator.ne - 10
- operator.ge - 8
- operator.le - 7
- operator.truth - 6
- operator.getitem - 6
- operator.contains - 5
- operator.abs - 4
- operator.neg - 4
- operator.concat - 4
- operator.not_ - 3
- operator.mod - 2
- operator.imul - 2
- operator.indexOf - 2
- operator.iand - 2
- operator.lshift - 1
- operator.rshift - 1
- operator.isub - 1
- operator.pos - 1
- operator.floordiv - 1
- operator.ixor - 1
- operator.ior - 1
- operator.inv - 1
- operator.setitem - 1
- operator.div - 1
- operator.is_ - 1
- operator.is_not - 1
- pandas - 4
- pandas.core.common - 1
- pprint - 23
- queue - 1
- random - 299
- re - 739
- scipy - 27
- scipy.interpolate - 1
- scipy.linalg - 2
- scipy.ndimage - 40
- scipy.ndimage.filters - 1
- scipy.ndimage.measurements - 4
- scipy.ndimage.morphology - 1
- scipy.optimize - 13
- scipy.signal - 5
- scipy.sparse - 18
- scipy.sparse.csgraph - 32
- scipy.spatial - 10
- scipy.spatial.distance - 8
- scipy.special - 25
- scipy.stats - 4
- statistics - 148
- stats - 1
- string - 1624
- string.ascii_lowercase - 682
- string.digits - 273
- string.ascii_uppercase - 269
- string.punctuation - 180
- string.ascii_letters - 88
- string.uppercase - 30
- string.whitespace - 25
- string.lowercase - 25
- string.maketrans - 23
- string.lower - 7
- string.letters - 7
- string.Template - 3
- string.printable - 2
- string.capwords - 2
- string.upper - 2
- string.count - 1
- string.split - 1
- string.strip - 1
- string.atoi - 1
- string.find - 1
- string.octdigits - 1
- struct - 3
- sympy - 104
- sympy.symbols - 12
- sympy.solve - 11
- sympy.Polygon - 9
- sympy.Point - 9
- sympy.Matrix - 6
- sympy.sympify - 5
- sympy.Segment - 4
- sympy.Symbol - 4
- sympy.expand - 3
- sympy.linsolve - 3
- sympy.solve_linear_system - 3
- sympy.Interval - 2
- sympy.Union - 2
- sympy.Circle - 2
- sympy.divisors - 2
- sympy.Line - 2
- sympy.Ray - 2
- sympy.nsolve - 2
- sympy.Poly - 2
- sympy.Rational - 2
- sympy.lambdify - 1
- sympy.exp - 1
- sympy.log - 1
- sympy.N - 1
- sympy.fraction - 1
- sympy.pi - 1
- sympy.Eq - 1
- sympy.solveset - 1
- sympy.sieve - 1
- sympy.simplify - 1
- sympy.binomial - 1
- sympy.factorint - 1
- sympy.prime - 1
- sympy.acos - 1
- sympy.sqrt - 1
- sympy.Ray2D - 1
- sympy.Segment2D - 1
- sympy.abc - 16
- sympy.combinatorics.permutations - 2
- sympy.core.symbol - 1
- sympy.geometry - 37
- sympy.geometry.polygon - 3
- sympy.geometry.util - 1
- sympy.matrices - 1
- sympy.ntheory - 2
- sympy.parsing.sympy_parser - 1
- sympy.polys.polyerrors - 1
- sympy.polys.polytools - 1
- sympy.solvers - 3
- sympy.solvers.solveset - 1
- sympy.utilities.iterables - 1
- textwrap - 48
- time - 104
- twilio.rest - 9
- types - 15
- typing - 12581
- typing.List - 5918
- typing.Iterable - 2865
- typing.Any - 2521
- typing.Tuple - 861
- typing.Set - 131
- typing.Dict - 77
- typing.Union - 70
- typing.Type - 30
- typing.Optional - 25
- typing.Callable - 19
- typing.Iterator - 15
- typing.Sequence - 13
- typing.FrozenSet - 8
- typing.NamedTuple - 7
- typing.Generator - 6
- typing.TypeVar - 3
- typing.Mapping - 3
- typing.Generic - 2
- typing.Container - 1
- typing.NewType - 1
- typing.AnyStr - 1
- typing.MutableSequence - 1
- typing.Hashable - 1
- typing.cast - 1
- typing.NoReturn - 1
- unicodedata - 103
- unittest - 1
- urllib.request - 1
- weakref - 2
Please, take full advantage of this info and do not hesitate to take part in our improvement process.