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Python 3.6a3 and how can we make Open Source community stronger

We have updated the CheckiO Python version recently. Now you can enjoy Python version 3.6a3. Last week we had Python 3.4 (pretty old, as it was mentioned). This is the newest version we found on in the Download section.

Even though Python 3.6 is not released yet (it is still in alpha) you can play with it on CheckiO. We will try to keep the Python version always updated. Feel free to ping us if we miss anything.

This is not the first update we have made recently. If you remember we have released 3rd party modules a couple weeks ago and then some new modules were unlocked.

Now we also want to ask you if you want some more 3rd party modules to be used on CheckiO. I would love to see more new creative modules.

We are adding Open Source projects on CheckiO!

I am also looking for more ways to improve the CheckiO community and how to make our users better coders. Here is a one more discussion on CheckiO I have recently started: “Open Source projects for CheckiO users”. I’m looking for a better way for CheckiO users to find an interesting Open Source project and keep practicing their skill. For Open Source community it can be a good source of talented developers.

If you are interested in such a contribution, you have a project you need help with or you have something to say about the idea, join the discussion on our forum.

Thank you.

Created: July 27, 2016, 9:55 a.m.