• Mathematical fairy tales

We’re working on a few new missions, back at the CheckiO HQ. Time to share some of the excitement:

CheckiO in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll (or: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) is perhaps mostly known for his writings, ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’ and its sequel ‘Through the Looking-Glass’. But Carroll was also a mathematician and a logician, studying and teaching geometry, linear and matrix algebra, mathematical logic and recreational mathematics at Oxford University. He published nearly a dozen books under his real name.

Dodgson was also quite the inventor. He thought up The Wonderland Postage-Stamp Case, for letter writing. And for those who needed to take notes in the dark, he created a writing tablet called the nyctograph. Games he devised are a number of word games, including what seems to be an early version of Scrabble.

Growing up, our Valentin developed an interest for Lewis’ ‘Puzzles from Wonderland’ and now he’s excited to work on a number of new missions for CheckiO, based on that very book. Definitely something to look forward to!

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