Welcome once again!
We’ve already seen some cool games, built in Python, some awesome and well known software, each of which use Python. We’ve even started writing our own game in last weeks article. Now it’s time for some even cooler stuff! Here you’ll discover interesting ways to use Python. You will learn how to build robots, automation tools, even small and efficient applications. Hopefully, this article will inspire you to build something even more creative and awesome!
Everyone loves robots, right? RaspberryPi offers great variety of options to build awesome stuff, but when combined with the awesome might of Python, it becomes the ultimate tool for entertainment and education.
You can use Raspberry Pi as all-in-one tool for learning Python as it’s quite portable and capable of running full-fledged Debian-based Linux distro Raspbian. This opens up a whole variety of cool stuff, for example, you can build your own robot using Python and some odds and ends.
Smart accessories are becoming a big part of our everyday life, from smartwatches to smart houses. Python is here for you to help to build your own smart house in the form of Home Assistant. Home Assistant is a home automation platform running on Python 3. The goal of Home Assistant is to be to track and control all your devices at home and offer a platform for automating control. You can check out this getting started guide to learn a bit more about how it works.
While we’re talking about automation,check out how you can use Python for posting to Reddit, playing games, or even automating your twitter feed.
Using the OpenCV module, you can give eyes to any robot or computer with a camera. If that’s something you’re into, I highly recommend reading the PyImageSearch website as it is most complete guide on Computer Vision to date.
Ever feel like you never want to leave the house?. “Is It Dark Outside” is a fun tool for the laziest of us! Never open your curtains again, this app tells you whether it’s dark outside or not. Also, it’s easily extendable, so you can build something similar into f.lux using Python.
When it comes to code efficency, Python is always a good choice. We’ve covered Python one-liners recently in our blog (part I, part II). But what is really cool, is this realization of Minecraft in 500 lines of Python with Pyglet. Another small, yet interesting project is BasicCoin, a cryptocurrency written with less than 600 lines of Python.
These are just some of our favorite Python projects out there, we hope you enjoy them too. And while we’re at it, let us know about your favorite project. Share your Python-based ideas and projects, so more people will know about them!
Let’s work together to keep the Python world amazing,
Thanks everyone, and have a good day!
The CheckiO Team