• Monthly. Faster. Random Review by Email

First of all, we’ve done A LOT of work to make CheckiO faster and easier. If you haven’t checked it out yet you should do it now!

Here are some updates you should know about...


The month of Code-Review is over and we have a winner - narimiran. Thank you narimiran for all the contributions you have provided.

TOP 3 leaders of the monthly leaderboard get prices from our Sponsor JetBrains, one year free for PyCharm - The Python IDE for Professional Developers.

Email Notifications

Email Notifications about new comments have been changed. Now you can reply on the comment by simply replying to email your notifications. This makes conversations on CheckiO so much easier and faster. Feel free to check it and let me know what do you think about it in comments.

If you don’t get any email notifications you should check your Notifications Settings and also check if you have your email confirmed.

Random-Review by email

Random-Review by email is a new experiment that we are running right now. In your settings you can choose how often do you want to get a random review by email (It’s set to “never” by default). In case you set it different from “never” you will start getting email with published solutions you haven’t seen before and from missions you’ve already solved.

You can leave a code-review by simply replying by this email. You can also vote for the publications by putting from -5 to +5 before the comment.

Because of this new feature we are testing right now, we decide to extend Code-Review Monthly LeaderBoard one more month.

Feel free to leave a comment about these improvements. Are they useful for you? What can we do to make them even more useful for you?

Web Plugin

Web Plugin, which allows you to use your local editor instead of our web editor, is finally fixed. Please check how it works and let us know if something is still broken ;)

Job Opportunities - Python Developers

We continuously get contacted by several companies looking for python developers at various skills levels. Before we even start doing something like this, we’d like to know how interested you, our community, is in finding new jobs. Please let us know about it by choosing “I don't mind receiving interesting job propositions” in your profile.

Thank you!

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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