Hi there,
This week we’ve got a new code mission - scratch that - TWO new missions for you to explore. And we’re happy to announce the winners of the Dropbox challenge!
Systematic painting
Nicola has built a semi-automatized painting system, which paints only one side of an item. The painting process always takes the same amount of time. Nicola wants Stephan to operate the painting system. That's why you should develop an algorithm for Stephan, that allows him to paint surfaces in the shortest possible timeframe.
Do you recognize the pattern?
To explore new islands and areas Sophia uses drones. As she gets tired looking at the monitors all the time, Sophia wants to learn the drones to recognize some basic patterns and mark them. Can you help her?
And the winners are...
Remember how you could win one of the 6 one year 100GB Dropbox Pro accounts by solving all code challenges on the Dropbox island? Well, here are the lucky winners:
For Pearls in the Box, Juge_Ti with his solution came in first place, then bunnychai with his, and nickie closed rows with this solution.
For Express Delivery, Amachua came up with this nifty solution, nickie solved matters as follows and htamas came up with this neat code.
See you on the forum!
Did you ever check out our forum? All things CheckiO - from solutions to missions to review requests and ideas for new tasks - are discussed here. You might want to take a look!
Happy hacking!