• CheckiO translations make the world go round!

Ever since we implemented the crowd-sourced mission translation feature, many CheckiO users have jumped in and provided numerous content translations in their native languages. This is awesome! Right now, your friends and fellow users can solve the entirety of the Home Island missions in English, Russian, Hungarian, Chinese, and Ukrainian! More languages means a larger world of coding adventures for everyone!

To learn more about how you can help out with the translation effort, check out this quick technical guide on the process.

Besides that, we have four whole new missions for you to enjoy!

  • Repeating Decimals -This revamped mission created by bryukh returns our robots to the Mine Island! Let’s brush up on our decimal and fraction knowledge—handy when you need to help your kids with homework.
  • Prime Palindrome Golf – Back by popular demand, the next challenge in bryukh's Code Golf mission series has arrived! Have you tackled the first one? We had many users give it a go, and we’ve currently got a first place tie between Talim42 and blaxmi with 273 points each!
  • Expected Dice - There’s also a new dice mission from MagiMaster! Try to predict your movement in a board game by calculating various jumps and dice rolling probabilities. Prepare to become a Monopoly master.
  • The Flat DictionaryBryukh offers a new bug-fixing mission. Find the mistake in the provided, code and fix it! Nicola reworked all the config files for Sophia’s drones, but now they’re too complex. Sophia wrote code to restore the files original state, but the solution isn’t working. Can you help out?

To wrap up, we want speak about the speed optimization needs across the whole CheckiO platform. We’ve been reworking a lot of complex factors on our end that should streamline features and functions. It’s a constant priority for us, so rest assured we’re always working to improve the performance for you!

Have a great week and happy coding!

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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