Our CheckiO meetup this past Saturday was a lot of fun! We’ll share how it went with you, what we learnt and which new friends we made very soon, and of course there will be pictures from the event!
One of our users from Norrköping, Sweden has started a CheckiO meetup group http://www.meetup.com/Norrkoping-Programmers/. It turned out that the first meeting was a lot of fun and now they are doing it on a regular basis!
This Saturday we had a pair-programming event in Las Vegas which was totally awesome. We met some great new people from the community, and solved some fun challenges together. The whole experience has given us so many great new ideas about CheckiO and how it can be improved.
We did a couple experiments with pairs by setting up advanced and novice coders in a different scenarios. Another CheckiO pair programming event will be at the end of March in Ukraine with more details coming soon.
It’s amazing to see this offline movement to get start growing and we are very happy that CheckiO helps to bring developers together in real life to exchange ideas about coding.
It is time to bring coders together for fun times and great code in your city! Be the one to put a CheckiO flag in your city on the global map!