• CheckiO, O'Reilly and PyLadies

Hi there,

As you probably know from our news we have published a new profile page and I would like to know your opinion about it.

At the same time with profile we’ve published 2 new tasks with prizes from O'Reilly Media: Bats Bunker and Ghost Age

PyLadies and gentlemen…

PyLadies is an international mentorship group, helping more women become active in the Python open-source community. As such, local chapters organize meetups and workshops to educate and support pythonista’s. This summer we supported the PyLadies in Vienna with their beginners workshop and we’re looking forward to their meetup on Saturday. Make sure to follow them on Twitter and send them some love!

Alex, CTO

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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