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CheckiO infographics

Thank you for your participation in our survey last week! To go with this general data, we have collected more exciting information about the community in this infographic.

As we expected, JavaScript is the most popular language requested. That’s why it is going to be our next language on CheckiO. So be ready! With the introduction of a new language, I wonder how many people are interested in other languages, like Haskell, Scala, LISP, Erlang, or Clojure. One of those may be the next one to come to CheckiO. Which one? We shall see on after one of our next surveys.

In the Editor competition, Vim has won so far; but! there will be another survey devoted to other, different technologies so you will be able to vote for many other editors like IDLE, and Notepad++.

Created: March 5, 2014, 9:16 p.m.