• Is Aggregated by Operation Quadratic Equation a Palindrome?

Hello, checkiomates! First of all, CheckiO team congratulates you all with the International Programmers Day! It's celebrated on September 13, or the 256th day of the year.

But today is also a good-news day for you! There are three new shiny missions to try your hand with. Besides, there are some links to make your Python skills sharper.

And even more, we have a couple of new CheckiO updates. A new badge - Learner - released, which we give for checking/reading solutions of other users. CheckiO Client has also been updated. You can also see translations and hints while creating your mission on CheckiO. (We are working on updating an article about the mission creation process).

So, let's start with the missions:


Aggregate by Operation by freeman_lex - is a further development of Convert and Aggregate mission. You are given a list of tuples. Each tuple consists of two values: a string and an integer. You need to create and return a dictionary, where keys are string values (except the first character) from input tuples. Values are aggregated integer values from input tuples for each specific key. Each aggregating operation must be done according to the operation sign - the first character of string key. Division by zero should be ignored. The resulted dictionary should not include items with empty key or zero value.

aggr_operation([("+a", 7), ("-b", 8), ("*a", 10)]) == {"a": 70, "b": -8}
aggr_operation([]) == {}
aggr_operation([("+a", 5), ("+a", -5), ("-a", 5), ("-a", -5)]) == {}

Write Quadratic Equation by freeman_lex - where you have input list with integers - a, x1 [, x2]. If it has length 2, it means, x1 == x2: equation has two equal roots (one distinct root). Your function should return quadratic equation as a string. Pay attention to specific cases.

quadr_equation([2, 4, 6]) == "2*x**2 - 20*x + 48 = 0"
quadr_equation([-2, 4, 6]) == "-2*x**2 + 20*x - 48 = 0"
quadr_equation([2, 4, -4]) == "2*x**2 - 32 = 0"

Integer Palindrome by Doppelok - in which you need to determine whether the given integer is a palindrome or not in base B. A number is a palindrome if it reads the same in both directions, for example 121 is a palindrome, and 122 is not. If the integer is a palindrome in base B, return True, if not, return False.

int_palindrome(6, 2) == False
int_palindrome(34, 2) == False
int_palindrome(455, 2) == True


109 Ideas for CheckiO missions - which I strongly encourage you to use, if you want to try making a mission or just want to practice Python! This document contains the specifications for the graded lab problems for the course CCPS109 Computer ScienceI, as taught by Ilkka Kokkarinen.

Slicing Python Strings - in this article you find out, that Python may act with strings like with lists! You may slice and filter string as you want it!

Python List Comprehensions Are More Powerful Than You Might Think - have a doubt? Read this cool article with examples and explanations and gain new knowledge to conquer Checkio mission!

And now it's time to meet on CheckiO, solving and commenting missions and solutions!🙌 See ya!

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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