Hello CheckiO users! 😉
🔥 Many of you should remember the list of indexed functions, modules and classes that we’ve shared in one of our previous posts. It’s a damn shame if you missed it. So go check that out!
Apart from being able to find out how often, where and how exactly any function has been used on CheckiO from the list, you can now see what functions you or any other user have been using the most often. That is possible because of the new section 🤩 on the user Profile Page. Also, you’ll be able to see what functions you haven’t been applying.

For those who might still wonder the reason for this addition. You know how sometimes we get good at something and it becomes very convenient to use it whenever we can? It’s exactly for that! So, you’ll be motivated 🤸 to use new functions and not get stuck with the familiar ways of solving tasks.
Remember, we grow 🌳 only when we continue learning and practicing new things. Good luck with finding your new favorite functions!