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One line solution in Clear category for Words Order by PistoleroAlan
def words_order(text: str, words: list) -> bool:
# Condition= there is no duplicate in the list and each word must be find sequentially in the text and only full words are allowed
return len(set(words))==len(words) and all([text.find(words[i],i and text.find(words[i-1]))>-1 and words[i] in text.split() for i in range(len(words))])
print(words_order("lonn", ["lonn"]))
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world", "here"]) == True
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["here", "world"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world"]) == True
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world", "here", "hi"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world", "im", "here"]) == True
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world", "hi", "here"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["world", "world"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["country", "world"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world im here", ["wo", "rld"]) == False
assert words_order("", ["world", "here"]) == False
assert words_order("hi world world im here", ["world", "world"]) == False
assert (
words_order("hi world world im here hi world world im here", ["world", "here"])
== True
print("The mission is done! Click 'Check Solution' to earn rewards!")
Sept. 1, 2023