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zip solution in Clear category for Split Pairs by vlad.bezden
"""Split Pairs.
Split the string into pairs of two characters.
If the string contains an odd number of characters,
then the missing second character of the final pair should be
replaced with an underscore ('_').
Input: A string.
Output: An iterable of strings.
split_pairs('abcd') == ['ab', 'cd']
split_pairs('abc') == ['ab', 'c_']
Precondition: 0<=len(str)<=100
from typing import List
def split_pairs(a: str) -> List[str]:
return ["".join(i) for i in zip(a[::2], a[1::2] + "_")]
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert list(split_pairs("abcd")) == ["ab", "cd"]
assert list(split_pairs("abc")) == ["ab", "c_"]
assert list(split_pairs("abcdf")) == ["ab", "cd", "f_"]
assert list(split_pairs("a")) == ["a_"]
assert list(split_pairs("")) == []
July 5, 2020