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A-star solution in Clear category for Open Labyrinth by bryukh
#dictionary with keys is available symbols, values - (dx, dy).
DIRECTIONS = {"S": (1, 0), "N": (-1, 0), "W": (0, -1), "E": (0, 1)}
from heapq import heappop, heappush, heapify
from collections import namedtuple
State = namedtuple('State', ('priority', 'position', 'path', 'cost'))
def heuristic(position, goal):
Calculate heuristic value for position.
Using manhattan distance from position to goal.
position - tuple(x:int, y:int) - coordinate of position.
goal - tuple(x:int, y:int) - coordinate of goal.
Return heuristic value - int..
return abs(position[0] - goal[0]) + abs(position[1] - goal[1])
def successor(position, maze):
Return neighbours coordinates with cost (always 1) and used direction.
position - tuple(int, int) - coordinate of position.
maze - matrix with maze map.
return list of tuples with neighbours data - (coordinate:(int, int), direct:str)
neighs = []
for direct, (dx, dy) in DIRECTIONS.items():
x = position[0] + dx
y = position[1] + dy
#check wall
if not maze[x][y]:
neighs.append(((x, y), direct))
return neighs
def checkio(labyrinth):
Using A-star graph search algorithm.
labyrinth - square matrix with 0 or 1 - list[][].
return route from (1,1) to (10, 10) - string.
start = (1, 1)
goal = (10, 10)
#priority=cost+heuristic, position, path, cost
queue = [State(0, start, '', 0)]
#visited cells
closed = set()
while queue:
#select node with min heuristic + cost
current = heappop(queue)
if current.position == goal:
return current.path
#check in closed nodes
if current.position in closed:
neighbours = successor(current.position, labyrinth)
for new_position, direction in neighbours:
if new_position in closed:
priority = current.cost + 1 + heuristic(new_position, goal)
heappush(queue, State(priority, new_position, current.path + direction, current.cost + 1))
#No route - Suicide
return "N"
Feb. 13, 2014