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find_all_colonies -> adjust_offset -> compare_results solution in Clear category for Bacteria Colonies by vit.aborigen
1) Disjoint set (start_new_colony) to distinct all separate colonies
2) Generate perfect colonies (will be used as the mask / pattern) with the [2-5] side-length with the center at (0,0) point
3) Calculate size of all perfect colonies (magic numbers)
4) Compare size of each found colony with the perfect colonies. Leave colonies that fit to magic numbers
5) Adjust offset for the perfect colony based on the central point
from collections import deque, Counter
def generate_perfect_colonies(max_len=9):
perfect_colonies = {}
for size in range(1, max_len):
perfect_colony = []
for i in range(-size, size + 1):
perfect_colony += [(i, j) for j in range(-size + abs(i), size - abs(i) + 1)]
perfect_colonies[len(perfect_colony)] = perfect_colony
return perfect_colonies
def start_new_colony(grid, start):
neighbours = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]
colony = set([start])
frontier = deque([start])
while frontier:
current_i, current_j = frontier.popleft()
for delta_i, delta_j in neighbours:
i, j = current_i + delta_i, current_j + delta_j
if (0 <= i < len(grid)) and (0 <= j < len(grid[0])) and grid[i][j] == 1 and ((i, j) not in colony):
colony.add((i, j))
frontier.append((i, j))
return colony
def is_bacteria_belong_to_any_colony(bacteria, colonies):
for colony in colonies:
if bacteria in colony:
return True
return False
def find_central_point_of_colony(colony):
x = Counter([dot[0] for dot in colony]).most_common()[0][0]
y = Counter([dot[1] for dot in colony]).most_common()[0][0]
return [x, y]
def compare_colony_with_a_perfect_one(colony_to_compare, perfect_colony):
x, y = find_central_point_of_colony(colony_to_compare)
perfect_colony_adjusted = set([(i + x, j + y) for i,j in perfect_colony])
return not (perfect_colony_adjusted ^ colony_to_compare)
def healthy(grid):
h, w = len(grid), len(grid[0])
colonies = []
perfect_colonies = generate_perfect_colonies()
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
if grid[i][j] and not is_bacteria_belong_to_any_colony((i,j), colonies):
colony = start_new_colony(grid, (i, j))
if len(colony) in perfect_colonies.keys():
results = [colony for colony in colonies if compare_colony_with_a_perfect_one(colony, perfect_colonies[len(colony)])]
if results:
return find_central_point_of_colony(sorted(results, key=len, reverse=True)[0])
return [0,0]
Dec. 4, 2018