What are criteria for sorting elements in a dict?
I half-solved the task, but got stuck at this initial case:
yaml("name: Bob Dylan\nburn: 24 May 1941\nresident: Malibu, California, U.S\n\nchildren: 6")
which should be transformed in the dictionary:
Right result:{"resident":"Malibu, California, U.S","burn":"24 May 1941","name":"Bob Dylan","children":6}
I was under impression that the keys of the dictionary should be sorted alphabetically. But obviously not. SO what is criteria for sorting out dict keys? My result is:
Your result:{"burn":"24 May 1941","children":"6","name":"Bob Dylan","resident":"Malibu, California, U.S"}
(BTW, there is a typo. Bob was bOrn not bUrn on 24 May 1941, I guess.)
And this is my code:
def yaml(a): recnik = {} b = [] a = a.split('\n') a = [i for i in a if len(i) != 0] a = sorted(a) for i in a: b = i.split(':') recnik[b[0]] = b[1].strip() for k in recnik: if k == 'age' or k == '12': recnik[k] = int(recnik[k]) return recnik