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Weak checker since it uses a common scale

Right now, the checker define a scale, then do 2000 tests.

Problem is after a few tests and thanks to global variables (which are necessary for the task), we can have a really good estimation of the scale. Then if we know the scale, the problem become much easier. And wrong solutions can pass tests.

To fix the issue here, two solutions: clear user global variables between each test (I'm not sure how... so forgot it...), or way easier define a scale for each of the 2000 tests (it only requires to move a line in the checker).

scale = (random() + random()) ** randint(0, 1024)
for i in ...:


for i in ...:
   scale = (random() + random()) ** randint(0, 1024)

Then there is no common scale to the 2000 tests. We still can have an estimation of it (if necessary) but not know a TOO good one.

I'm just a bit surprised it was not detected before.

PS: By the way, I think it is a weird way to define a scale.

Created: April 4, 2020, 2:54 p.m.
Updated: April 4, 2020, 2:55 p.m.
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